Sunday, July 17, 2022

A Humid Day but the Laundry Dried Quickly! Gibbs takes a Dip

The Ridge

On Sunday, July 17th our day of rest started with Bill going flying and me going to town to clean and do laundry. It was warm and a much better looking morning than we thought it would be when we went to bed last night. We were expecting some early showers and later thunderstorms. 😊 It was a lovely surprise! So, because of that Bill was able to enjoy his hobby and I could bring the clothes home to dry.

An exciting part of my morning
My avocado pit sprouted!!

I was a little longer at the Mat today because I decided to empty the Lost & Found box. It was time and I don’t have the extra time through the week when I work for M. There was a garbage bag full and by the time I finished, anything salvageable was washed, dried and loaded in Ptooties. I’ll get the bag dropped off at Rethreads this week one day. I left about 5 items in there that had just appeared yesterday.

Gibbs is so different from Clemson
He loves the wind in his face/ears

The drive to the Acreage,
he got to ride in the front seat with Mom

Back home, I let Gibbs out to run while I hung things on the line. It was a pretty calm morning, Bill will be pleased about that, but it was warm/hot enough to dry them fast in the event rain arrived this afternoon. I had taken a to-go tea and by the time I finished, I was ready for a coffee. Since we picked up some coconut oil for Donna at Costco yesterday, Gibbs and I took a run over to the Acreage.

Can you see him? Venturing closer to the edge
to get a drink

When I threw his stick in, he had to have it
It is just beyond his nose

"Got it, Mom!"

Donna, Gerry and Mike were all sitting at the pond after a morning of moving gravel and stones. All in preparation for the gazebo ‘production’. 😊 Gibbs can lighten the mood of anyone no matter what kind of a day you’re having (not that anyone needed it on this glorious Sunday!) and today was no exception. He ran around, through the bush, which is sparse, and finally along the edge of the pond.

That was so much fun, that we threw it a couple more times!

He was pretty wet and dirty when he was done
but still adorable 💖

He gets braver every time

He had us laughing as usual and even more so when I threw a stick in the water and he went in after it! Goof! He was dry by the time I was ready to come home. Bill would be home for lunch and bacon and eggs were on the menu today. When I got home, it was hot and sticky so I closed things up and turned the a/c on. No point in putting up with another hot afternoon indoors, outdoors or in our ‘sheds’. 😊

Donna noticed this pretty critter on the back
of my chair

His wings are so delicate, like
fancy leaves

I started lunch around 12:30 and Bill was home, backing his cargo trailer up, at 12:45. Perfect timing! We cleaned the dishes up, the pots we do by hand and the rest went in the dishwasher. We’ll turn it on after supper. We are still enjoying that luxury! Bill had a snooze in his chair and I sat beside him and played my Wordle games. I missed them this morning and ‘almost’ excelled in the afternoon ones. EXCEPT for the 4-letter one, I blew that one with flying colours!

Probably because we didn't want his
wet, dirty self on our laps,
he jumped in to the middle section
of the chairs

I slipped out to bring the clothes in off the line and then hung our duvet out. It wouldn't fit with the clothes. Then I went to the Bunky. I left Gibbs inside in the coolness of the Suite with Daddy, even though I knew Bill would be down to his Hangar too. It was too hot for the little guy to be outside and it wasn’t much better in the Bunky. I just felt like working on the puzzle, it’s my way of relaxing. I completed what I wanted to and now just have the sky left to do. 😊 The dark brown/black pieces gave me trouble again, (remember last winter’s border?) but I persevered before stopping.

Woohoo! What a lovely picture!
No room to frame it though
so I'll pass it on when I'm done

Now was a good time to write my blog post for the day with a cup of tea by my side. Gibbs is still sleeping, after his morning playtime at A. Donna and U. Gerry’s. For supper we’re grilling pork kebabs with leftover dressing and a bbq’d potato. I’m glad the rain held off but hope we do get some overnight, as I haven’t watered for a couple of days. Maybe tonight, as a precaution I might water the vegetables, just in case it passes us by. After supper, Bill helped me put the clean duvet back into the clean duvet cover. So much easier with four hands! 💓

Supper didn't only taste delicious
it looked great! 😂😂

This has been a really nice day for various reasons. I hope you can say the same for your Sunday.

My sprout has grown even more since
this morning! I might need a hole in the roof
soon! haha
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. I'm hoping for some rain tonight - it's currently 33C and there are few thunderstorms in the area but nothing close to us yet.
    Good luck with the avocado.

  2. You could take the Lost and Found that can't be donated over to the shop for Rags.
    Looked like Gibbs was having fun while cooling down.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your Avocado Tree.

    It's about time.

    1. If they were the right material, yes. A lot of the stained pieces are childrens clothing or jeans. Good idea though!

  3. Pork kabobs, what a great idea. I'd never think of that but I'm going to give it a try soon. Nice that you could dry things on the clothesline too. Gibbs is definitely getting braver.

    1. The kabobs were quite tasty too! I love clothes on the line now that I can hang them. At our home in the city we never had room. :)

  4. That insect photo was fun to look at. It is strange how interesting insect photos are!

  5. Nice work getting the pit to sprout. You will have a new plant shortly.

    God bless.

  6. Replies
    1. I did read that but I never thought that was what a katydid looked like. Thanks!
