Saturday, March 9, 2024

An Outing with Friends, Nice Saturday

Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, Mar. 9th we made our way through the waking hours, following what has become a routine. I made my tea and Bill was already showered and downstairs by that time. He took advantage of what began as a calm(ish) morning and left for the field before 8. Gibbs and I went for our walk. The air was a bit cool but that sun was already warm on my face as we walked.

So, last night after my movie
"Street Cat Named Bob"
I put a half hour show on for Gibbs
called Puppy Dogs.
Just puppies running around. He was
enthralled! 💓

This morning's first picture turned out
different than I expected.
Looks like something hurtling towards me!
Good morning!

Sheila had invited me to join her and Mae to go to a Sell-A-Thon at The First Baptist Church of Quartzsite this morning. I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity of a sale, nor the chance of spending time with the two of them. I didn’t know Mae that well but liked her upon our first meeting so this would be fun. She picked me up in her ‘new to her’ little VW bug and then we collected Mae from her unit in the park. 😊

My ride arrives. 😃

It wasn’t huge but enough vendor tables, mostly with donated goodies, to keep us occupied for over an hour. We had fun and all managed to come home with a few goodies and I only spent $13. Shoes, a scoop for dog food, extension bars for whatever cupboard they’ll fit, a weighted ‘thing-a-ma-jiggy’ for Bill’s planes, a knife sharpener, a wind decoration and a hat for my Sweetie! I didn’t realize that he’d like it but it is the cutest darn hat ever! ♥ Best part is that he likes it too!

My shoes and the only picture I got
of my dapper fella! 💗

There are about 60 pieces left
and they will be the hardest of all. 
I thought the bristol board with the remaining
pieces right in my face would help.
I guess it has. Ha ha

I went to the puzzle for about an hour before returning for a sandwich with Bill. Avocado on toast, new to me but quite good! There was going to be a few for the Music Jam this afternoon so I stuck around home with my book and family until around 2:30. Curious to see if Sheila was singing, I wandered over. I didn’t care much for the ‘entertainment’ (that’s why they practice) but enjoyed Sheila’s popcorn and brownies. 😊

Only 3 musicians at the jam today.
They enjoy themselves and that is what it is all about.

Bill has been busy most of the day working on the taillights of the Suite. There is a short somewhere so I helped where I could but mostly left him to his own devices to figure out what he could. It is frustrating and after all his efforts, there is still an issue we need to address before we head home. I had a cup of tea and then took Gibbs for a short walk. He misbehaved by barking twice at people walking by, so he got returned home toute suite. ☹

Sorry, Sheila but Randy tried to get a picture
of you smiling........the sun was obviously in your eyes!
I love it, we had fun!

I sat in the gazebo with my book until it turned cool and I returned indoors. Bill grilled burgers for supper around 6 and they were quite filling, as usual. 

Delicious ooey gooey burger

It was a fun day, with something a little different thrown into the mix. The puzzle is almost at a standstill, but I did find very few pieces again today. LOL

Sometimes, you just need your belly rubbed.
Sometimes, you just need to oblige your loved ones. 
This was while I was getting ready to go out.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit!


  1. Just can't pass up a good bargain.
    That's odd that Gibbs would bark like that.
    Looked like you had a fun day with your friends.
    Burger looks tasty.
    Left a comment on another Blog this morning. The commentor before me was Patty Richardson from Florida.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your adventure.

    It's about time.

    1. I love a bargain and the outing with friends was a bonus!
      Gibbs is a barker, sometimes he sees something in people that we don't i guess.
      Funny about the other commenter.

  2. It's funny ... I've watched some puppy shows and Cooper doesn't even look. Once in a great while on my phone he will hear a dog bark and he goes crazy. Makes you wonder what they are saying!! That a men's golf beret ... very cool! A couple of guys at the Elks Lodge wear them all the time. You got some good bargains!!!

    1. Gibbs is funny, he doesn't stay drawn to the tv for long but he sure liked those puppies.
      I love the beret on Bill, so dashing! :)

  3. When our fur baby Shania was alive I would put things on the TV that I thought and was told that a cat would like.... Nope not at all interested. Glad that Gibbs enjoyed the show though.
    Harvey is having a few problems with his newest puzzle and only getting a few pieces in each day. I helped one day and found about 10 for him.

    God bless.

    1. That's funny how some pets watch and others know it isn't real. :)
      These puzzles!!! Once I got to the sky, I would have liked the help - until I got to the last 20 then stay away! hahaha
