Sunday, March 17, 2024

St. Patrick’s Day Sunday

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Mar. 17th it started out cool. We weren’t expecting much different but it was a chilly 44F/6C when we all got up before 7. Bill and I sorted laundry and took it over early. Gibbs tried to help but instead just got himself into trouble, grabbing a slipper here, a shoe there etc. He woke up full of ‘p***’ and vinegar, as Daddy used to say. “Look at me, look at me!” 😊 Good thing we love him.

Good morning!

The little imp himself. 💖

A beautiful morning

I went back over 25 minutes later to swap machines and then Bill left for his morning. He may not be flying but he does like to keep in touch with his friends as long as we’re here. I took Gibbs for his walk on the outside perimeter of the park and after laundry was folded and put away, I had my shower. I’m happy that I made my foods yesterday so there was no pressure on getting something made up this morning for the potluck.

a couple of signs in the clubhouse

This is one we've probably all seen before.

The Bougainville is brilliant!

Bill and I had some cheese bread for lunch and I went out to read for a bit. The sky started out lovely and clear blue but after lunch, while I was in the gazebo, the clouds rolled in giving me a chill. I skipped an early tea since the potluck was at 3 pm. I packed a cooler with a drink each and we carried our plates and utensils and the 2 dishes of food over to the clubhouse.

My donation to the free table

After sorting and purging,
I still have lots of costume jewellery left.
The perspective here makes one box look
smaller but they are both the same size. 

It was a small but nice turnout, 15 of us I think and of course good food on the counter to fill us up substantially. There was stew, corn bread, buns, shepherd’s pie, devilled eggs, veggie pizzas, salad + (I’ve probably missed something and forgot a picture) dessert. My Irish Potato Candy was a hit and the eggs were gone when I retrieved my dish. 😊 We had a really nice visit again with Jess and Jessie and everyone walked home around 4:15.

Passing the time before the potluck
While Bill and Gibbs had ther snooze.

They look like little potatoes but
don't taste like little potatoes. 😘

We wouldn’t need supper unless I have some popcorn later on. Gibbs looked after the house so just before 5, I took him for his walk, down Riggles Ave. this time. I wanted to see those pretty orange flowers again. Still trying to determine their correct name but they are definitely a type of daisy. I worked on my blog and then sat to read while Bill went up to watch a movie. Gibbs is under my dining chair, sound asleep.

There's that greenery again, in the desert.

Whatever this's 
heading right towards us!
Oh, it's the sun. ♥

Walking south on Riggles Rd.

Those pretty orange daisies
I imagine that soon they'll be gone.

We reached a nice temperature of 68F/20C by late this afternoon and it will only be dropping to 50F/10C overnight. We’re on the rise again. 😉 This has been a nice day, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and enjoying our last potluck meal here until the fall. The ‘lasts’ are starting, with only 14 left here before we pull out. LOL

The end of another lovely day.
Good night!

Thank you for popping in to see what we’ve been up to.


  1. The flowers look like calendula. Your hair looks nice shorter Patsy.

  2. Cute picture of you and the imp. Cute little potatoes too. What's in them?

    1. thank you. The little potatoes consist of cream cheese, butter, icing sugar (I substituted with Splenda/corn starch). Rolled in cinnamon and allspice.

  3. What? Gibbs got the zoomies? I love it when they go crazy!! Glad you got in another pot luck before leaving. Two weeks will go SO fast!!

    1. Oh yes, the zoomies with our shoes and slippers still happens when he is neglected. Ha!
      Yes, we're happy to have one last meal with the group here.

  4. It’s always nice to get laundry taken care of.


  5. Loved the little green touch on your devilled eggs fit for the occasion! Potlucks in small gatherings are usually better, especially if you know the participants!

  6. Wow, your time is certainly drawing short. I hope the weather stays just lovely for your last while down there. Potlucks always have such interesting things to eat.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. We've enjoyed our time here and the potlucks are small but fun.

  7. Stew and cornbread would have been enough for me. Cute picture of you 💕.
