Wednesday, March 27, 2024

More Heat, More Pizza, More Steps!

Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, Mar. 27th we were up and about before 7. Bill wondered why I was up early and my only explanation was the lovey dovey dog that came and laid across my chest when I rolled over. Who can ignore those doggy kisses and face washes? Not me! By then, I was awake, so we got up.

Good morning!

While I had my tea, Bill took a drive to the flying field to see who was still around. Gibbs and I took our walk and just before 9, Bill returned and we walked over for the Coffee & Donuts hour at the clubhouse. Bill’s first words “is this just women?” 😊 Well, mostly, yes, and unfortunately today, he was the only male attendee, other than one of the hosts who sat for a short bit.

Bill packs the gazebo away.
Notice how clean BB is? The reflection tells it all! 

He returned home just a few minutes ahead of me and was busy taking down the gazebo. After that, the bbq, my gravity chair all found their place in our ‘basement’. It’s a lovely day, warm, but just the way we like it. I decided today was the day to make the Pumpkin Snickerdoodle cookies that Bill likes. One bag of the pumpkin I had in the freezer thawed yesterday so I had to make use of it. These are not keto except for the sugar. I always use Splenda as its replacement.

Sorry for the blur, but the small All Meat pizza
is my favourite at Outback.

The batter had to sit in the fridge for an hour which meant it was there until 3 o’clock. We didn’t have lunch at noon, instead, we met Doug, Deb and Riley at Outback Pizza. Yes, another pizza meal. 😊 I’m glad we had one more opportunity to see them all again before they, too, headed off for our homeland. It was a fun get together. After hugs, we said our goodbyes and returned home.

Leaving with full tummies and doggy boxes

Riley, Deb, Doug, Bill.
Safe travels, friends!

Gibbs and I walked around the park, him trying to get to shade the whole time. I baked about 36 of the cookies and they turned out pretty good. They’re not my favourite but I enjoy the occasional one for a treat. 

The cookies turned out great!

When they were done, Sheila and I got out for our walk. By now, it had cooled down a bit so it was a very comfortable walk. I also got my steps in for the day!

Today, we reached a high of 78F/26C and only dropping to 55F/13C tonight so windows will be open again. 😊 Bill and I just had some French bread with cheese for supper, lunch was late so we weren’t overly hungry. This was a good day and I believe the heat will be on higher tomorrow. PS – our place looks funny without the gazebo and barbecue set up. (picture tomorrow)

Good night!

Thank you for popping in. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. I love our walks...we should have started them earlier in the year and kept going. We will start earlier next year.

  2. The transition is becoming real with the packing happening. I do hope spring truly arrives by the time you reach the border. We're expecting more snow tonight, and I know several other areas are experiencing winter weather too. March came in like a lion, it looks like it is leaving that way too.

    1. It sure is. We've got most of it done so these last days are pretty relaxing. I hope you're right, the snow seems to be gone back home for us now...but, we know that can change. Thank you.

  3. It's always sad, yet exciting. Sad to be packing up and leaving, but exciting to see what's around the next bend. The Ridge is waiting patiently for you!

    1. I agree. Sad to leave but once we're on the road, and a few days in, we're looking forward to spring happenings back home on the Ridge.

  4. Shade might be cooler on his paws. Safe travels back to The Ridge.

  5. Even though we knew it was only temporary, it's still sad to see it all put away.
    Nice getting together with friends for a final "See you later".
    Be Safe and Enjoy.

    It's about time.

  6. Packing up always heralds the start of your return. Enjoy the time you have left. That pizza looks wonderful.

    God bless.

  7. I guess you are about ready to head out just when the weather is perfect.

    1. Isn't that always the way? We'll be happy to be on the road when the time comes.

  8. Those cookies look delicious and I love French bread with cheese. It was nice you all got together one last time.

  9. Great that you all got to get together one last time for this season. Sounds like it must look pretty empty outside at your place. I always find it bittersweet to be packing up after we have been some place for awhile. Enjoy your last few days and the sunshine.

    1. Thank you Deb, we are glad it worked out for one more visit. Things are pretty empty, yes, a few over-nighters in here now as they leave their areas, passing through.
