Saturday, August 26, 2023

An Early Start, Home to the Family

The Ridge

We, all 5, were up at 6 on Friday, Aug. 25th and after a quick line dance to Shania’s “I feel like a woman” in Audrey’s dining room, we finished packing. 

Fitting everything in

Au revoir!
Audrey's home will feel empty for a day or two

A quick selfie, of course, with Ptooties loaded to the hilt, and after plenty of hugs, we pulled out of her driveway at 8:00. There isn’t much to say about the drive, other than after an overnight rain, we only had a few off/on really light showers. 😊

All set to go.
Um, is that fuller than when we came? 😬

We left at a good time as the traffic was also fairly light. Once we got off the 401W and onto Hwy 10, we dealt with a slow down from rubber Necker’s. There was a car flipped over in the east bound lanes and of course that is worth slowing down for – according to some drivers. We made one stop at an En Route to eat our brunch (brought from Aj’s fridge) and some fuel. We were back on the highway by 11:30.

This is a welcoming porch.

With the sky trying to decide between white puffy, heavy grey clouds or blue sky, we had a great drive home. 

We stopped at the Napanee En Route near
Odessa to eat our brunch saving some $$

It was exactly 8 hours later when we pulled into the Ridge laneway. I could hear Gibbs barking his little head off from inside the Suite. 😊 He’d had a long day so I let him out to greet me/us right away. Oh, I missed the little bum. My sisters loaded their bags into their individual cars, and were on their way. It was 4:15 by then.

A  brief moment when the sky was showing blue

Bill was on his way home on Jazz and around 4:30 he pulled in. Gibbs was beside himself with both Mom and Dad home together again.  

Gibbs was even more content when
Daddy was offloading Jazz.
His family together again. 💗

Supper, these cobs were huge and filled us.
(there were a few evening snacks)

We hadn’t thought about supper and running through the list there were a few things missing for any of our choices. No bread (toasted tomato sandwiches) and no buns (hamburgers) so we ate the last corn on the cob and had a few snacks while watching a movie together. I didn't finish the blog, as you can tell, and I was in bed at 9!

A pretty night's sky

I was wanting to finish my blog
but these bright little eyes were priority tonight.
"come sit with me, Mom"

This was a long day on the road after a fantastic 5 days with my sisters. We all reported back to Aj that we arrived home safely and that was it for my day.

Bill did his best to get a picture of a
happy little bum and a happy Mom.
Good night!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. The sweet boy missed his Mom I'm sure! Cuddle time.

  2. Beautiful sisters. I really enjoyed your visit with them. You are so fortunate to have them. Kelly

  3. Awww...what a sweet photo of you and Gibbs. He's not going to let you out of his sight for a few days.
    Glad you had a good drive home. Lots of memories made, and some shopping done too!

  4. That was a great trip. I enjoyed all the pictures.

  5. Awww, look how Gibbs is cuddling right up to you. He missed you. Glad the drive home went smoothly.

    God bless.
