Tuesday, August 22, 2023

It All Comes Together, Terrasse-Vaudreuille


On Monday, Aug. 21st I was awake first at 5:30 and bided my time until 6 before crawling over to cuddle with my sweetie. 😊 Of course, Gibbs has to get in there too. When we got up around 6:15, I got washed up and put the last of my ‘stuff’ in my bags, made my tea and then started taking things to Ptooties. It was 7:32 when Gayle drove in and within 10 minutes Cathy and Donna arrived. There vehicles will stay at the Ridge until we return.😊 

All packed and ready to go.
Donna, Patsy, Cathy, Gayle.
Gibbs watches our every move.

Stuff got packed in the trunk, with Gibbs trying desperately to get in with everything. Bill obliged by taking a picture of us all with our baggage and we were pulling out of the lane at 7:50 am. The drive to Audrey’s home is about 6 ½ hours so with route in hand (on paper and gps) Gayle sat in the front to navigate with me and the other two in the back. We were on our way!

One last wave 💓

At 9:30, we stopped for a pit stop at a Truck Stop and then around 11:45 we stopped for lunch at an En Route near Trenton. The lineup at Tim Horton’s was ridiculous so, instead, we got our food from Subway and sat inside to eat. We were all ready for some food. I don’t know what time it was but east of Cornwall I pulled into an Ultramar for fuel. With my Journey points, I was able to get .7¢ off/litre. After 552 kms, Ptooties drank to full for $62.

From home, we took Grey Rd. 4 to Flesherton,
Hwy 10 to Shelburne, onto 410 and then caught the
toll road 407.

Easy exit

I was driving so there aren't a lot of pictures
of our route.
This is on the 407 around Toronto and
we were rewarded with very little traffic for
the 42 kms we were on it.

It wasn’t that much further when we crossed the provincial line into Quebec. The directions were pretty simple and I credit that to the experience Gayle and I have from travelling in the southern states and following convoluted signs! 😊 We arrived at Audrey’s quaint little home in Terrasse-Vaudreuille, Montreal at 3:55. She was in town buying groceries and had jokingly suggested we dust while we wait for her.

Entering Quebec

Audrey's street
Here, I was breathing easy.
It was a good drive, 636 km/395 mi.

We found our bedrooms and then found some dusting tools so when Audie walked in, we were in full clean-up mode. It got a good laugh and there were big hugs all around. 

Dusting up for the hostess

She was so excited to have us all back, it has been 16 years since we’ve been here! The rest of our time we chatted, we laughed, we told stories and we then prepared for supper.

Audrey and Gayle drove to Pete’s Smoke Meats to pick up supper and Donna and Cathy made a salad. I rested, feeling a bit of a headache, and when the food arrived, we took our pictures and ate. Oh, it was delicious! We had some ‘bubbly’ with our meal and toasted to ‘sisters’. 

After supper, we went upstairs to go through 3 large bags of clothes from Audrey (& friends). It’s best to say we all found something ‘new’.

It was 10:30 when we returned to the main level and by then it was too late for my blog to be posted. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow! 😊 This was a long day but it was a much better driving day than I expected. We’re glad we were travelling east in a couple of spots on the 401 as traffic headed west was slowed right down for some reason.

Just sitting around after supper.
What a great day!
Good night!

Thank you for popping by!


  1. So glad all went smoothly. Enjoy your stay with your sisters.

  2. Glad to hear the travel day went so well. I'm sure you were all ready to get out of the vehicle for a short time at lunch. That's a pretty long drive in one sitting.
    Your sister's home is lovely, (all the better for the dusting, lol). Enjoy your visit!

  3. I am glad that your trip went smoothly. Have lots of fun.

    God bless.

  4. Glad you had a safe trip, and keep enoying it!

  5. Glad you made it safe. Wishing you and your sisters a wonderful time. Becky

  6. You can't beat sister times! Enjoy your time together!!
