Friday, August 18, 2023

Feeling Like Fall, Shopping, Daddy’s Home, Slow Leak?

The Ridge

On Friday, Aug. 18th, Gibbs and I were up at 6:15. Just as I was ready to take him out, the rain began. I’m sure it rained through the night but alas, I wouldn’t hear it. Everything was wet so there was the proof. Gibbs does NOT like the rain so made a quick dash to the grass and back up the steps. We’d deal with #2 later when it stopped raining.

This was yesterday, nearing suppertime
"Where's my Daddy?"

He hadn’t eaten supper last night nor was he interested this morning but I figured he’d ate when he was ready. After my tea, I got washed, dressed and after taking Gibbs out for the last of his 'business, I drove to Hanover with my grocery lists in hand. Independent had some better sales on than Walmart so I stopped there first to get those and then drove just down the street to the big box store. As prearranged, Donna was waiting for me. She didn’t really need anything but we just wanted to visit. 😊

Yesterday, the bird bath
was dry
This morning, full.

I followed the aisles as per my list and she tagged along while we chatted. I had 3 things on my list to find for M so she helped me locate those as well before we checked out at the self-serve. It was 8 when I left home so it was a great time to be at both stores, no lineups and no jammed parking lots. We said our goodbyes in the lot and she went home while I drove to Giant Tiger. I do love that store. It was around 10:15, I think when I drove back to Durham.

What's that red speck on the lawn?

I had one stop in town and then scooted on home to our little bum. I had to stop at M’s to drop off his stuff and then up our lane. Gibbs was at the door waiting. I backed Ptooties up as close as I could for easiest and driest unloading. I had a lot of food for under $200 so I was pleased and happy to stock the cupboards and fridge once more. It was still raining so the little guy had no intention of running out to check the tires. I guess he should have!

Why, it's Mr. Cardinal dropping by
for a treat.

We bided our time, knowing that Bill would be home at some point this afternoon. For lunch, I just made another small plate with a biscuit, ham and cheese and that was enough. I set a few articles of clothing out for next week and then attempted to read some of the next book I’m reading. It’s called The Book of Dreams by Nina George and I already know it will be a winner for me. I couldn’t get far though, I felt too tired to keep my eyes focused.

No sooner did I put the recliner back when Gibbs perked up and started barking. Daddy was coming up the lane and Mr. Security knew it long before I heard Black Beauty. After he unloaded, he noticed the rear driver’s tire on Ptooties was really low. He put air in it and we drove to Grey Bruce Fleet to see if by chance they could put it up on the hoist and look at it. None of the guys were available, but she gave us the name of someone in town to call in the morning.

This is the vehicle that we’re taking to Montreal on Monday and GBFS are not open on Saturday. Yes, I am a bit fretful as I’m not good at this kind of thing. Bill has a commitment tomorrow so I’ll be calling Impact Tire and taking it to be checked out. Fingers crossed that it is an easy fix or she won’t be taking us anywhere! Bill is confident that it will be taken care of quite easily so I’m counting on that. 😊

It was a wonderful meal, if I 
do say so myself!
Well, Madame IP gets the credit.
Starting a roast dinner at 5:30 and eating
at 6:30? Priceless. ♥

For supper, I put a pork loin roast in Madame IP with potatoes and onions. With corn on the cob from a local spot, that will be all we need tonight. This was a good enough day, no thanks to the weather or tire problem, but we’re all home together again and Gibbs is quite content once more. Supper was perfect and a great meal for a cool rainy day. I’m saying cool but I suppose 13C/55F isn’t terrible. We’re just spoiled with the warmth.

At 7:45, the sun comes out, just in time to set
To the east, the sky was dark so it was a pretty evening.

The sky changed by the minute
as I watched.

We loaded the dishwasher and I did a final search for our pull along suitcase (which would be the perfect size) with no luck but I did find ‘old faithful’ and between 2 bags, I’ll have enough room.

If the clouds stick around, it could be
a lovely sunset tonight.
Good night!

Thank you for popping in!


  1. Rain sounds so good to me! Been months for us!
    Thinking of cute Gibbs, bet he ate his food now that
    his dad is home.🤗
    Linda a.

  2. I can tell Gibbs is glad DAD is back home. Just in time for MOM to take off!

  3. Good luck with the tire today. You must have gotten a lot of rain to fill the bird bath.

  4. Breaks my heart to see Gibbs waiting for Bill. Fingers crossed the tire fix is an easy one!

  5. Hope your tire was fixed....Have a wonderful trip to Montreal.

    God bless.
