Thursday, February 29, 2024

Looking After Black Beauty, Fun and Games

Park Place RV Park

On Thursday, Feb. 29th we wake up at 6:30 to greet the last day of the month. Bill was in and out of the shower first thing and then at 7:45, he was on his way to Blythe. Finn Ford called Tuesday that they had the part in for Black Beauty and they could work on it today.

My usual Good Morning picture was blurry
Look instead at this house wren sitting atop the Ocotillo cactus. 

In short, it is a circuit sensor that monitors the matter in the exhaust filter, which in turn sends a message when the exhaust filter needs to be cleaned. It cost enough, all in all, but she’s worth it and is quite necessary. 😊 They offered to bring Bill home if it would be a long time in the shop but as it turned out, he was home by 11.

Wootwoot!! She's so shiny!

Bill was there early enough to get BB washed and mostly waxed before they called him in. She hasn’t looked this good in a long time.   She’s blushing. Meanwhile, Gibbs and I walked and then I went to play poker pool. There were 6 of us today and I tied for second place. I was doing good for the first 4 games and then it went downhill from there!

Hot and delicious w/cream cheese icing and butter

Bill moved BB into the shade so he could finish 
the 2-step waxing process

We supervised

I was home around noon and Bill and I splurged and had Pillsbury cinnamon buns for lunch. Oh my, tasty and filling. The rest of the afternoon was spent being first assistant to the Fresh Air Inspector (Gibbs). 

in between dozes

We were watching Bill finish waxing the truck. By the time he finished, I could set my hair and makeup in the gloss! 😊 Gibbs and I went for our walk before 4 and then it was time for a cup of tea. I’d been reading my book outside too, in the sun, and it was lovely.

Cuddles with Daddy after a job well done.

There was a wind from the southeast today but it didn’t bother the gazebo enough to warrant pulling the top down. Bill has his night flying this evening but with his lighted planes all packed away, he’ll just go to support others. 

A loaded Western

Yummy on keto bread

Supper, when he returned, was toasted westerns for a change and we’ll find something either on tv or in the pages of our books to entertain ourselves tonight. This was a nice day with sunny skies and warm 75F/24C temperatures.

From our back window the sun set without fanfare.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Clean Sweep – I Mean, Clean Suite

Park Place RV Park

On Wednesday, Feb. 28th we were late getting up. 7:30 for us is late and we really had nothing pressing going on. Bill did head off to the flying field before 8:30 and Gibbs and I went for our walk. My job today was to clean our home. The Suite is looking mighty dusty this morning so I guess I have neglected giving it a good cleaning.

Good morning

I dusted top to bottom, including window screens and then got the vacuum out to do that job. Dusting forces me to put things away that we put on the hutch, entertainment centre and coffee table so afterwards, the place just looks better. A clean Suite! 😊 

Gibbs checks out the Brittlebush

Then, I took my coffee cup over to the clubhouse to work on the puzzle. It was morning coffee over there so I figured there would be coffee left, even at 10. There was.


I worked away until noon hour in between conversations with Sheila and watching G & S play pool. It was a good morning. Bill and I had lunch and then I went back. I surprised myself and finished the puzzle! The pieces just started falling into place easily. It’s a lovely Thomas Kincaid picture too. I was home by 3 and sat outside in the gazebo with my book.

Our sleek little boy in his St. Patrick's neck scarf

No complaints about this day

At 5, we drove to The Yacht Club for supper. Saturday is their last day, they are closing for good. That is unfortunate for us because we’ve basically just started going there to eat this winter. They were out of a lot of items crossed off the menu, one being our first choice of Fish & Chips, so we found another entrée that suited us just fine. Bill had a blt with their delicious fries and I had a chicken Caesar salad. Both meals were great!

I hope someone takes this club over

We were on our way home by 6:15, before Karaoke, and watched an episode of American Idol. This has been a nice day, reaching another high temperature with mostly clear blue skies. There were more winds today but it felt great to me. 😊

My chicken Caesar salad looked different than others
but it was quite yummy with lots of chicken, croutons and bacon.

Good night!

Thank you for stopping around.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

What Can I Say? These Days are Great. Another Birthday.

Park Place RV Park

On Tuesday, Feb. 27th, my grandson, Nathan, Patrick’s son, turns 14. I don’t see much of Nate, just circumstances, so my memories with him are mostly when he was a few years younger. I have some fond ones and hope to see him more in his teen years. 😊 Before the day was over, they both called to thank us for the card and cash.💖 It was great to hear their voices. 

He's not a little boy anymore.
Happy Birthday, big guy! At 14,
Nate is now 5' 10"!

We were up by 6:30 and going about our day. I hopped in the shower right away and Bill set about doing the banking. Our government pensions went in this morning and he did the usual money transfer from Cdn to US so we know what we have and don’t have to live off this month. He’s good at that stuff and always relays to me where we stand. He went to the flying field for a bit at 8:30ish, Gibbs and I walked and then I walked over to work on the puzzle.

A lovely day on the horizon

Gibbs had a grooming appointment at 10:30 so everything we did was based around that. With one vehicle down here, things are different than at home, obviously. 



We dropped the little fluffy guy at The Animal House and went to see if my parcel arrived at Moon Mountain Mail yet. Nope, no fault of theirs, it has been delivered ‘somewhere’ and the post office can’t even find it. Serves me right, I guess, for ordering from China. LOL


International tracking numbers don’t show up on the post office website. Grrr. I have more bad luck with parcels down here…… reason to miss home. We have one mailing address and I never have a problem. Back home, we had lunch and then went and picked Gibbs up at 12:30. A different puppy he is after a cut and he’ll feel so much better now that it is heating up. I went back to the puzzle and left the boys to doze.

It's starting to look like the picture now. 

I returned home around 3ish and after Gibbs’ walk and a stop in the dog park here, Bill and I had a Happy Hour drink together. It was a nice day and today we had sun 98% of the time. Beautiful! 

All he does at the park, is sniff and sniff.
Can you see him?

A never fail burger tonight

for 'dessert', I had a piece of warmed fry bread
with butter and honey. 💟

For supper, Bill grilled our bacon cheeseburgers and they were, as always, delicious. It’s early as I write this so not sure what the evening will bring but it will be relaxing and it will be together. We love this life, even if we’re not in the same room, we are enjoying each other and our peaceful lifestyle. 😊

I think someone is knackered tonight
after his ordeal today. ♥
good night!

Thank you for stopping by!

Enjoying the Life, Birthday Wishes

Park Place RV Park

On Monday, Feb. 26th Bill, Gibbs and I were up by 7. I was looking forward to Ladies Poker Pool today, it is a good way to start my week! 😊 Gibbs and I walked and it was a beauty of a morning – although cloudy. The warmth is so nice, just a light jacket required. The only improvement would be sunshine. We weren’t sure if it would make an appearance so neither of us disconnected from power. Bill went flying this morning.

Good morning

On our early walk, Gibbs stopped at Gerald's home.
Where is he? I had to tug him to carry one. Goofy.

I did well in L.P.P. tying for first place with a fairly low score. However, I can’t and will not take credit for the win. The ladies put most of my balls in for me and I just had to cards to match! 😊 We were done by noon and I had lunch back home with Bill. He dozed and  I walked back to the clubhouse to do some puzzling around 12:30. A little later, G and D arrived for some pool and then Sheila joined me for a nice visit and the pieces dropped in by circumstance.

We made a few more strides on the puzzle,
in between getting to know each other better.

Around 2:45, we parted ways and I poured a drink for Bill and I. He was busy at detailing Black Beauty. Inside, now, she is spiffy! Outside, a dirty mess. We can’t wash vehicles in here, only a hired cleaner can do it with their own water. Water is a valuable commodity so we certainly respect that. She’ll get a wash one day in Parker, Blythe or Yuma before we leave for home.

Late afternoon, the sun tries to give us
a show

Even with the clouds today,
we still reached 74F/23C.
Our overnights are between 53F and 57F (12C and 15C)

Sheila popped by and extended an invite to join her and Randy, Dave and Joanne in their Phaeton rv.  Heck ya! We love ‘touring’ rv’s and I was happy when she took me up on my query to ‘snoop’. 😊 We’d both just finished a drink, so I made myself a cup of tea and we walked down around 4:30……I think it was. They have a nice rv and with a few simple touchups, they will make it their own. 💗 It was especially nice to meet Dave and get to know Joanne better. Very nice people and they are pulling out on Tuesday. I forgot a picture!

Yummy supper and easy!

Back home, I took Gibb for a quick walk and then we had grilled cheese sandwiches for supper. They  were ooey gooey good and although simple, a nice answer to ‘what do we want for supper’. Our regular shows, NCIS and NCIS Hawaii, were on tonight so I postponed the blog and watched them with Bill. I was in bed by 9:45 and asleep soon after. Can you say ‘out like a light?’ 😊

Another pretty evening sky

Good night all!

This was a wonderful day and also special because it is our buddy, Pat’s, birthday. From all accounts, sounds like she had a great day.

Happy Birthday, Pat.
You should be here!

Thank you for the visit!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Laundry Day! Warmer Still 😊

Park Place RV Park

On Sunday, Feb. 25th, we slept in a bit because Gibbs did. He is the alarm for Bill and they didn’t get up until about 6:15. I remained in bed until closer to 7 while Bill had his shower. My sweetie sorted the dirty laundry for me today. How nice! We decided to wash the chair quilts as well so Bill loaded the clothes into the basket and carried it over. I carried the quilts and bath towels. 😊

Good morning!!

This is looking west.
Didn't matter where you looked at 6:45 am.
It was crazy beautiful.

It was 7:10 and I used up all 3 washers today for a change. Early bird… know. When I walked back to swap the clothes to the dryers, I’d seen both Rick and Patti and was able to wish them a safe and fun, well-deserved mini vacation. Bill left for the flying field and Gibbs and I went for our ‘around the park’ walk. It was a nice sleep last night with many windows open and the duvet half turned down. The fresh air was wonderful.

When Gibbs and I walked at 7:45, still
pretty but quite the change.

By the time things were dried, (I opted to dry the quilts today rather than hanging them), I realized that when everything was folded, that laundry basket was way over-loaded! I should have made two trips but didn’t want to leave clothes sitting there. I made it without the basket breaking. Phew! 😊 I finished my cup of tea and sewed a button on Bill’s shirt before going back with a coffee to the clubhouse.

Morning progress
Afternoon progress.

I have chosen a Thomas Kincaide puzzle this time that a friend gave me. It’s another pretty picture. I had the border done and a bit of the sky by noon hour when I returned home. Bill and Gibbs were waiting. We had lunch, chicken salad on seeded keto bread for me, and then I went back to the puzzle. It is appearing to be fairly easy although I won’t say that too loud. It may backfire. LOL

We had a visit from Sheila and Gibbs
had to be up close and personal.
Thank you Sheila for your patience with him.

At 3:15, I came home and sat outside with my book and a beer margarita. I think this will be another good story. Sheila popped by for a visit and then G and D brought us some homemade fry bread. 

A new book and a margarita

This is a recipe that I’ve only ‘heard’ about and never tried so I was looking forward to some with supper. We had grilled sausages, leftover fried potatoes and veggies plus FRY BREAD! It was yummy, warmed up with butter.

A nice supper 

We cleaned up and Gibbs fell asleep at my feet and Bill went upstairs to watch tv while I wrote my post for today. This has been a nice day reaching a high of 79F/26C under mostly cloudy skies. Windows will be open again tonight as it is only dropping to 61F/15C.

When Gibbs and I walked, the sun was
disguised but I still recognized it.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

A Book Day, Clouds and Warmth

Park Place RV Park

On Saturday, Feb. 24th we woke up to cloudy skies but warm air. It is lovely to see and feel the 53F/12C when we wake up at 7. Bill got ready for the field and Gibbs and I went for our walk – after my tea, of course. 😊 

Good morning!

I really didn’t have anything on the agenda, with a few things playing on my mind this morning. I played my on line Wordle games and then walked over for a chit chat with Patti and Rick. Such nice down to earth folks.

This common desert shrub is everywhere around us
and needs some mention because it is quite pretty

Meet the Brittlebush
Bees and butterflies love them

Back home, I read, and read and read. Oh my, this Sue Grafton book is a page turner! I should have moved outside as I found it warm indoors with Gibbs sitting on my lap, beside me, back and forth with Daddy etc. However, I stayed put in my recliner, being lazy until the last page was turned. A very good story. I have one more, T is for Trespass, of hers so that is next. There are still quite a few of the alphabet that I have not read.

It was a lazy reading day and Gibbs kept
me company in Daddy's chair when he wasn't on our laps.

Bill and I moved outside for Happy Hour with our drinks. I blended ice with my beer margarita and oh, wow! That is the way I’ll drink them from now on. So, delicious with a salted glass rim. We chatted, across the site line, with Patti and Rick talking about weather, bugs, wind, back home and drinks for a bit before settling in our chairs. Gibbs and I had our walk before 4 and then I started supper.

The sky when we had our afternoon walk.

I love how the beer margarita turned out blended.
It did settle after a while, should have got a picture of that too. Yum!

Tonight, it is boneless chicken breasts, potatoes, and mixed vegetables. I should have made a keto dessert but that book was more important today. 😊 

After realizing this was too much chicken for me,
I'm glad there was no dessert!

Our temperatures over the rest of the month range between 74F/24C to 80F/27C with a drop down for a couple of days in the high 60’s/teens so we are home free as far as the cooler weather. Yay, finally!

We just sat down to eat and I peeked to 
see what the sun was doing.
Just caught a glimpse of it setting.

After we finished eating, things got good.

Beautiful, a painter's paradise.

This has been a lazy day but a good one. I hope you can say the same.

This is looking to the northeast.
It seems too cloudy for the full moon at this point.
I'll keep watch this evening. 
Good night!

Thanks for popping in.